Welcome To Trainsong
Trainsong is a neighborhood in the City Of Eugene Oregon
There is no longer a active neighborhood association recognized by the City.
At present (2023) interested neighbors are attending and participating in
Whiteaker Community Council meetings the 2nd Wed of every month
Merger Proposal in the works
Since Whiteaker and Trainsong have similar issues facing their communities
and the work of organizing an association that meets all the City requirements is no small task;
The residents of Trainsong are requesting to be merged into the Whiteaker Community Council.
Expect to see a formal petition soon!
Info on the new proposed transfer station in the trainsong neighborhood on railyard property located at 799 Bethel Drive can be found here:
Information on the elevated levels of dioxins and
furans in shallow soils at Trainsong Park can be
found here.
Cleanup grant and info can be found here
Info on Eugene Railyard cleanup that happened decades ago and ongoing Groundwater monitoring can be
found here.